300 yoga teacher training in Goa

Is online yoga class good and effective?

Online yoga classes the current trend

Why online yoga classes are fun and easy to practice 

Due to the ongoing pandemic we are all mostly home and the body movement is reduced and most of us are working from home, this not only effects physically but also mentally and practicing online is the only option left with us, whether it is yoga, dance, aerobics, HIIT etc. 

Practicing on our own is a good discipline but not all of us follow this routine but with the teacher we are all motivated and just have to follow and no need to think so much about what are we practicing and what’s coming next.

A golden rule is that with the teacher we are always safe, cos the teacher is guiding watching and correcting you, when you do mistakes and online yoga classes are good way to do it right from home all you need is a yoga mat good laptop and internet connection no need to drive to the studio and it saves a lot of time for both practitioner and the teacher 

Reasons why online yoga classes works

  1. Saves time not to drive, park the car spend on the fuel or walk to the studio 
  2. Its cheaper compared to the studio classes, online yoga costs max 10 $ to 15 $
  3. You can choose your convenient time of the practice and the teacher you like 
  4. Wide availability of teachers and styles of yoga from around the world 
  5. If you work schedule is hectic or if you are beginner you can choose a private yoga class according to your time and days 
  6. Can focus on your personal needs like to loose weight, working on building strength mobility 
  7. Learning different aspects of yoga like pranayama, meditation, yoga nidra etc 
  8. Even if you travel or move to different country you can still practice yoga live with your teacher 
  9. The teacher will correct you if you are not doing the pose correctly 
  10. Learn from the Experienced yoga teachers At Ruh Yoga all teachers are having at least 10+ years of experience 

Want to try our online yoga class more info here http://ruhyoga.com/online-yoga-classes/


Things to avoid if you don’t want injuries with online yoga classes 

  1. Never practice yoga watching it on YouTube if you are new to yoga or have never done it
  2. Always observe the teacher performing the asanas first and then do the posture if you are learning something new in the online yoga class 
  3. Use some props if you need in the class to make your practice smooth 
  4. Give your body some time to adapt to things that you learn and keep your consistency of the practice 
  5. Stay with one teacher for sometime so that you can understand the teacher and the teacher understands your body and ability to move and focus on where the mobility has to be increased 
  6. Choose a class where there is not more than 8 students so the teacher pays attention to all 

Whats missed with online yoga classes 

  1. The group energy is missing 
  2. Physical appearance of people and the teacher 
  3. Communication with other students 
  4. Having a conversation with teacher or students after the class 
  5. The little extra time you spend traveling to the studio by bicycle, walk or drive