Salt when used adequately is good, but when used in excess may not be healthy to our bodiesA little used helps to soften the food and makes it easier to digest
Aids saliva...
Honey is best sweetener when used raw, it has some of its flower properties it can be refreshing and energetic if taken with one spoon of honey in a glass of water mix well....
Did you know the benefits of Coconut oil? its best for piita as it helps to cool the body and has calming effect to skin, body and mind. lets look at the benefits of...
Castor oil commonly used for massaging to improve strength with muscles and bones, enhances the growth of children and improves strength to the elderly it can also help to remove muscle sore and to...
Almond oil energetic is sweet, slightly bitter it can increase Vata, Pitta, Kapha. It can help relive inflammation or irritation. It can clear blockages and clear coughGood for cough
Prevents lungs and kidney...