Lotus seeds are nutritive tonic increasing sexual energy and rejuvenative
- when taken with sugar and ghee good for balancing vata
- Increases reproductive tissues or shukra/ojas
- Prevents nocturnal emission and
- Good for infertility
- Combines well with ashwagandha
Taste – Sweet, astringent Decreases Pitta / Increase Vata and Kapha
Contraindication – May be hard to digest
Pecan – is nutritive and increases sexual energy, its sweet, astringent / Decrease Vata /Increase Pitta and Kapha
- Nourishing the marrow and nerves
- Good for reproductive system
- Laxative for elderly
- Increases appetite
- Restores energy
- High in potassium and Vitamin A
Pinon – its sattwic of all nuts, its nutritive tonic, rejuveative, Sweet and Astringent in taste,
Decrease vata/ Increase Pitta and kapha
- Good for respiratory system and lungs
- Calms the nerves
- Healthy for reproductive system
- Relives weakness
Pistachio – are sedative, sweet to taste, decreases Vata/ Increases Pitta and Kapha
- Good for anemia
- Builds muscles and energy
- Helps with alcohol recovery
- Rich in potassium, phosphorus and magnesium salts help to control hypertension