Do you feel that your yoga practice is regular but you don’t see much progress with your flexibility?
Here are some tips that you can follow
- Choose a style that has longer holding of postures
- Hatha yoga is great as you hold the postures a little longer than in a vinyasa class
- Ashtanga Vinyasa is also good way as you repeat the postures with every class
- Iyengar Yoga is good too as they hold the postures longer than other styles with props may be 3 to 5 minutes
- Never force your body into the posture, when you force you create muscle blockage and it will restrict to lengthen any further
- Always work with your foundation practice and choose the difficult postures only on the 3rd or 4th day of the week
- Practice in the evening as the body is more warmer and open
- Observe how you feel when you do any new posture
- Drink lots of water as it helps to remove toxins from the body
- Most important give enough rest to your body which means at least 7 hours of sleep